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See what events, studies, and outreaches happening here at Calvary Chapel Santa Fe Springs every week!
Ongoing Events
Click on each event to learn more.
7 PM - Fit for the KingdomTuesday
7 PM - Women’s Bible Study
7 PM - Men’s Ministry Bible StudyWednesday
7 PM - Midweek ServiceThursday
9:30 AM - Women’s Bible Study
7 PM - Prayer Meeting7 PM - Stand Fast
7 PM - Young Adult Study (Instagram: @ccsfsyoungadults)7 PM - Foundations of Faith
7 AM - Prayer Meeting
9:30 AM - Knots of Love (4th Saturday of every month)
6:30 PM - Devoted to One (4th Saturday of every month)
6:30 PM - Married Couples Fellowship (4th Saturday of every month)
9 AM - Morning Service11 AM - Morning Service
6 PM - Evening Service
Upcoming conference located at Calvary Chapel Downey is approaching Friday, February 28th – Saturday, March 1st. This year’s theme is “BY FAITH”. These conferences serve to stir and encourage local Pastors and Leaders. Register online at This event is open to everyone. Church office will be closed for both days.
If you or someone you know is battling addiction, we would like to invite you to the Breaking Chains conference. This will take place here at the church on Saturday, March 8th from 10am to 2pm, a continental breakfast as well as lunch will be provided, this is a free conference. We ask that you would please take a flyer, which is located at the info desk, and scan the QR code to register. This event is being hosted by our Stand Fast ministry. For more information, please see Pastor Patrick.
WORSHIP FELLOWSHIP: If you are currently involved with the worship/sound ministry or are feeling called to the ministry, please join us Sunday, March 9th at 3pm in the Main Sanctuary.
Are you excited about the Gospel? Do you have a passion for telling others the good news of salvation in Christ Jesus? Do you want to learn how to share your faith? Join us on Wednesday, March 12th, at 6pm in the Junior High Room to learn more about our evangelism teams and how you can participate in this exciting ministry. See Pastor Steve for more information.
Dads, join us on Friday, March 14th at 7pm as we gather to watch the movie "The Forge” in the Fellowship Hall. If you have already seen it, then come for the food and fellowship. This is a potluck event, so bring your favorite movie eats to share. Please sign up at the Information Desk if you plan to attend. For any questions, please contact Pastor Patrick.
Join us on Tuesday, March 18th from 6am to 9am as we invite commuters into our parking lot for coffee, a donut, and prayer. There are opportunities to serve coffee and donuts, as well as offering prayer to those drivers who come through. To help, please sign up at the Information Desk so that we may plan appropriately. Please see Mario Ortiz or Pastor Rick Vasquez for more information.
Kids from Kindergarten-6th grade are invited to participate in the Kids Easter Choir that will perform Easter Sunday. Rehearsals will take place Sundays at 3pm starting March 23rd. Please sign up your child at the Information Desk. We will have an information meeting in the Junior High Room after the first and second services on Sunday, March 16th. For any questions, please contact Bethany Castillo at (626) 695-9093.
Young Adults (ages 18-28) are invited to a powerful weekend of faith, action, and community. Based on the book of James, this retreat will challenge you to not just hear God's Word but to live it out with boldness and endurance. Cost is $160 with a $60 deposit due at sign up. Limit 1 sign-up per person. Please contact Stephen Loo for more information.
Date: March 28th-30th
Location: Calvary Chapel Mountain Center
Tithe receipts for the 2024 tax year are available. Pick up a request form at the Information Desk and drop it into the tithe box when completed. Forms are also on the church website. If you have any questions, please see Monica Marquez.
PLEASE NOTE: All Tithe Receipts as of January 31st have been mailed. Tithe Receipts for online have been sent by email.